
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Summer's in Session

I was in the garden early this morning trying to beat the heat, following my nose from one chore to another ... pick the berries, sucker the tomatoes, mulch the herb bed, water everything. My brain kept interrupting. What time is it? I better get back in the house. How long before my student arrives?

How long before my student arrives? How about 12 weeks?!

That's right, I'm taking the summer off. I'm making time to enjoy the garden, be with family and friends, soak in the hot and humid summer air, watch the grand-baby take her first steps, complete some projects ... begin a few others, create music in one form or another, create space to allow my brain to idle. Now, that's a to-do list!

One of the first things I intend to do is de-clutter physical space. Sheets of music, piles of books,  ideas and notes jotted down on random pieces of paper, do-dads and what-nots ... the music room (and other living space) has become a bit untidy. Generating some order is sure to get the creative juices flowing.

Next, I will be doing some mindless activities in order to free up space in the brain for daydreaming. It's the best way to encourage ideas to flow! I expect to find inspiration and energy to grow new ideas and to flesh out old ones.

Finally, I'll find time to take action on a few of those great ideas. We'll see what comes to fruition between now and Labor Day!

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