
Friday, January 23, 2015

CTO … Enquiring Minds Need to Know, "What's in Marya's New Book!"

After my recent mid-week post appeared (Marya Katz Releases New Book of Hammered Dulcimer Arrangements) folks were asking - and I bet you're wondering … 61 tunes? What are they?!

Check This Out … The index of tunes from Marya Katz's newest compilation of tunes, Dulcimations VII, appears below. The book is full of (mostly) traditional jigs, reels, hornpipes, breakdowns, songs, marches, waltzes, etc - arranged in 2-parts for hammered dulcimer - with lots of interesting notes about the tunes.

The work has been done! Get your friends together and start playing!

PS … Look for Marya Katz at the Winston-Salem Dulcimer Festival . She'll be teaching the beginners, getting them off to a good start!

Alphabetical Index of Tunes
(Dulcimations VII, Marya Katz)
  1. A Bottle of Wine and a Ginger Cake
  2. Ale is Dear
  3. Bannocks o’ Barley Meal
  4. Behind the Bush in the Garden
  5. Bile Them Cabbage Down
  6. Bottom of the Punchbowl
  7. Broad Run Picnic
  8. Buttered Peas
  9. Carolan’s Draught
  10. Chicken Reel
  11. Connelly’s Ale
  12. Drops of Brandy
  13. Drunk At Night, Dry in the Morning(in G) 
  14. Drunken Sailor’s Hornpipe
  15. Eat, Drink, and ... Be Merry!
  16. Farewell to Whiskey
  17. Fat Back Meat and Dumplings
  18. Feed Her Candy and Tell Her Lies
  19. Good For the Tongue
  20. Happy to Meet, Sorry to Part
  21. Haste to the Wedding
  22. Hunting the Buffalo
  23. Johnny, Johnny, Don’t Get Drunk
  24. Juice of Barley
  25. Kiss the Bride
  26. Landlord, Fill the Flowing Bowl
  27. Last Night’s Fun
  28. Little Brown Jug
  29. Little Burnt Potato
  30. Lizard Candy
  31. Meals on Wheels
  32. Merry Mountain Hoedown
  33. Merry Night at Tumble Brig
  34. Miss Ford Dances
  35. Moses, Hoe Your Corn
  36. Mug of Brown Ale
  37. Paddy, Won’t You Drink the Cider?
  38. Peas in the Pot
  39. Piece of Chicken and Cornbread
  40. Polly Put the Kettle On
  41. Reel des Onions
  42. Rum and Onions
  43. Saturday Night Breakdown
  44. Soppin’ the Gravy
  45. Stay All Night
  46. Stool of Repentance
  47. Sugar in My Coffee
  48. Sweet Milk and Peaches
  49. The Bottle of Brandy
  50. The Cup of Tea
  51. The Drunken Wives of Fochabers
  52. The Grand Picnic
  53. The Parting Glass
  54. The Roast Beef of Old England
  55. The Tipsy Sailor
  56. The Wine Testers
  57. Tripping up the Stairs
  58. Welcome Whiskey Back Again
  59. What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor?
  60. When Sick is it Tea You Want?
  61. Whiskey Before Breakfast


  1. This is a fantastically imaginative list - entertaining just to read it, if not play all the tunes!

    1. Indeed! I asked Marya if she had any favorites. Of course her response was the prerequisite for every tune was she had to LIKE it!
