
Thursday, October 16, 2014

After the Bliss, the Laundry

Wow, it's been a busy week! It's true … there's no place like home. Returning after a week away at the Sandbridge Dulcimer Retreat is always a sweet thing, but accompanied by definite symptoms of withdrawal. Bonding with 18 other people over a shared interest in a supportive environment ... at the beach, with plenty of good food to eat, and limited responsibilities ... is a pretty awesome experience! Real life is full of laundry, bills, cooking, cleaning. And, of course, I must hold the grand baby :-)

Two full days of teaching, though, did give me reason to stay immersed in the music. You might guess that the soundtrack running through my mind this week has been comprised of the tunes we hammered out last week.

I've been organizing and reviewing music from the week. I've written out specific goals.

Goal #1:  Practice more

Following through on this goal will make all the others easier to accomplish!

My biggest challenge is finding time to practice in an already crowded schedule. It's so easy to fill up excess minutes with mundane tasks. So part of my plan is to schedule regular practice sessions with "practice partners". That way, there's a specific time set aside AND somebody who will hold me accountable. Plus, it's BIG FUN to play music with a friend!

What strategies do YOU use to fit playing music into your life?


  1. I have light insomnia. I wake up, do yoga for 1/2 hour, meditate for 1/2 hour, then play my hammered dulcimer for 1 hour. By then I am ready to go back for a restful night sleep. I find time to play for at least another hour during the daytime.

    1. That's making good use of your time, Larry! And so much better than tossing and turning in bed, wishing sleep would come.

  2. That was one of my resolutions after Sandbridge- to practice more. For the last couple of years, I've spent way too much time in the orthopedic surgery department. I think I have all my 'stuff' back now, and I'm ready to rock! :)

    1. To everything there is a season … I hope this season will be full of music for both of us, Carole!
