
Friday, March 15, 2013

CTO ... Bob Bedard Makes Dulcimer Hammers

Bob Bedard makes hammers that are aesthetically beautiful as well as beautifully functional. Choosing hammers is a very personal thing, but many players do declare that Bedard hammers are their favorites, citing weight and balance as critical features.

Ever wonder how those hammers are made? Dan Landrum of Dulcimer Players News visited Bob Bedard in his workshop back in 2008. Dan talked to Bob about making hammers while Bob demonstrated his handiwork. It was captured on video.

Check This Out ... The video is posted on YouTube. Watch how it's done!  Making Dulcimer Hammers with Bob Bedard 

Bob Bedard suffered a mild heart attack on Sunday, March 10. A heart catheterization was performed with no stent. Docs put him on heart meds and sent him home to "take it easy." He warns that orders in the near future will be on the "slow track" with no guarantee as to delivery date. In the meantime, you can still find Bob Bedard hammers wherever fine dulcimer accessories are sold.

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